Our mission – bringing
tasty, healthy,
sustainable proteins
to the mass food

Amai develops novel proteins which answer the needs of consumers and industry. The first application is sweet protein, inspired by nature, built with biology through a natural fermentation process. With its pro-protein platform, the company creates new breakthroughs which are set to shape the future of proteins.


This sweet protein that was discovered in nature is thousands of times sweeter than sugar that until now couldn’t be mass-produced at scale. Amai has redesigned this sweet protein through a natural Precision Fermentation process that will help food manufacturers reduce sugar by 40-70%, with minimal environmental impact and exponential taste. It has the same sensory experience as sugar, is quickly digested in the body like protein with no adverse interaction. It is also low cost, making it accessible for all. Amai will reduce sugar consumption worldwide, improving global nutrition and advancing health and wellbeing.

Fermenting our talents
for the future of food

Our multi-disciplinary team combines knowledge in Computational Protein Design, Cloud computing, Biology, Bioinformatics, Precision Fermentation, and Food Technology, with a synergistic approach between the different departments.

GRANTS awarded


Dr. Ilan Samish

Founder & CEO

Charles Gast

VP Business Development

Anat Serber

VP People & Impact

Yigal Gezundhait

Chief Production Officer

Sam (Shmuel) Marko

VP Food Technology

Dr. Hagay Shmuely

Director of Biotechnology

Dr. Naama Kopelman

Director of Computational Protein Design

Dr. Yael Lifshitz

Director of Clinical and Regulatory Affairs

Bianca Gefen

Head of Analytics

Inbar Zuker

Head of Sensory Evaluation and Food Technologist

Sally Sharof Kayuf

Fermentation Manager

Marina Kashdan

Application Manager

Sandra Troian

Pilot Manager

Adva Yeheskel

Variants Pipeline Manager

Dr. Amit Kessel

Senior Scientist

Dr. Lilia Gurevich

Dr. Lilia Gurevich, our beloved manager of molecular biology department was tragically murdered at the Nova rave on October 7.


Lilia was the visionary founder of the Molecular Biology Lab at Amai Proteins. Our accomplishments have been possible following her pioneering contributions.


“A person continues to live in the hearts of those left behind”


For more on Lilia:




Board of Directors

Rick Greubel

Board of Directors Chairman

Dr. Ilan Samish

Founder & CEO

Dr. Amir Guttman

Founding partner of Aviv-VC & lecturer at IDC

Gregory Merran

Sucden Ventures

Mor Assia

iAngels CEO & founding partner

Lewis Tepper

Aston Partners

Vanessa Bartram

Zora Partners (Observer)

Strategic Advisory Board

Galit Horovitz

Welltech Ventures

Hsien Hui Tong


Meng Xiong Kuok

K3 Ventures

Brad Bloom

Berkshire partners

Kristal Golan

BayWa AG Ventures

Jonathan Berger

The Kitchen- FoodTech Hub

Scientific Advisory Board

Nobel Laureate
Prof. Michael Levitt

(Stanford); Founder and
leader in structural
computational biophysics

Prof. William DeGrado

(UCSF) Established (computational)
protein design

Prof. Meir Edelman

(Weizmann Institute of Science)
Plant biotechnology and 3D

Prof. Joel Sussman

(Weizmann Institute of Science)
Structural Proteomics and Biology, Israeli Structural Proteomics Center

Prof. Rafael Najmanovich

(University of Montreal) 3D bioinformatics & biophysics

Partners and Collaborators:

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